E-ISSN 2757-8062
Volume : 51 Issue : 1 Year : 2024

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The Effect of Awareness Studies Rational Drug Use on The Primary Health Care Institutions [Zeynep Kamil Med J]
Zeynep Kamil Med J. 2020; 51(1): 40-45 | DOI: 10.16948/zktipb.689416

The Effect of Awareness Studies Rational Drug Use on The Primary Health Care Institutions

Abdullah Emre Güner1, Esra Şahin2, Saadet Peksu2
1Istanbul University, Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
2Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Health, Public Health Services Department, Istanbul, Turkey

INTRODUCTION: Rational Drug Use is a serious problem affecting public health when applied wrongly and unnecessarily in our country as well as in the whole world. These effects include increased morbidity and mortality rates, increased risk of side effects of drugs, reductions in accessibility to essential drugs, even by misuse of resources, based on resistance that can develop against emergency and basic drugs, increased economic and social costs of treatment. For these worldwide, accounting media works was started. In Turkey, 1/3 of Health Services is provided by Primary Health Care Institutions. Health workers working in primary health care institutions have a great effect on Rational Drug use. Family Health Centers are the most important of these institutions. Therefore Public works, public
information, posters and brochures, public trainings, trainings for health workers and the use of rapid antigen kits have been
made. In this study, the effects of awareness studies on the use of Rational Drug in Istanbul were evaluated.
METHODS: The research was conducted in Istanbul between 2014-2015- 2016 and 2017, It is a cross-sectional study which is done by comparing the data obtained from the Prescription Information System which contains the prescription information written in Family Health Centers. In this study, personal information of patients and physicians were not included, only prescription numbers and rates were used.
RESULTS: Application rate 31.5% of the Primary Health Care Instıtutıons in 2017. Application rate 68.5% of the hospitals, Application rate 95.16% of the Family Health Centers. 60.53% of the medical examinations in Family Health Centers in 2014, 57.12% in 2015, 56.89%in 2016, in 2017, 50. 53% of them were prescribed. Antibiotics were prescribed to 31.57% in 2014, 30.92%in 2015, 30.09% in 2016 and 25. 65 % in 2017. Prescribing antibiotics prescription rate is 29.2% average in Turkey in 2017.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Prescription and antibiotic prescriptions in Family Health Centers in Istanbul in 2017 are lower compared to 2014, 2015, 2016. Rational Drug Use awareness studies have had a positive effect on prescription and antibiotic prescription rates in Family Health Centers in Istanbul. In 2017, the rate of antibiotic prescribing in Family Health Centers in Istanbul was 25.65% and Turkey is below the average. The impact of awareness studies is great. It is important that studies continue.

Keywords: rational drug use, family doctor, public health

Corresponding Author: Abdullah Emre Güner, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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