E-ISSN 2757-8062
Volume : 50 Issue : 1 Year : 2025

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A Rare Cause Of Ophthalmoplegia in A Pediatric Case: Idiopathic Orbital Myositis [Zeynep Kamil Med J]
Zeynep Kamil Med J. 2019; 50(1): 69-71 | DOI: 10.16948/zktipb.384700

A Rare Cause Of Ophthalmoplegia in A Pediatric Case: Idiopathic Orbital Myositis

Emek Uyur Yalçın1, Nilüfer Eldeş Hacıfazıoğlu1, Hatice Akay2, Hacer Aktürk3, Gökhan Çelik4, Feyza Mediha Yıldız5
1Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Diseases Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Neurology, Istanbul, Turkey
2Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Diseases Education and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology, Istanbul, Turkey
3Zeynep Kamil Women's and Children's Diseases Training and Research Hospital, Pediatric Infection Diseases Seciton., Istanbul, Turkey
4Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz Hastalıkları Bölümü, İstanbul, Türkiye
5Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Çocuk Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye

Idiopathic orbital myositis is a disease with unknown etiology, but it is thought to be an autoimmune disease, which is rarely seen among children. In most cases, corticosteroids provide a rapid and dramatic improvement. In this case report, we present an 11-year-old girl who admitted to our clinic with headache and orbital pain. Her neurologic examination revealed restriction of the outside glance on the right eye and restriction of the down glance on the left eye. Finally, she was diagnosed as idiopathic orbital myositis and improved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment.

Keywords: idiopathic orbital miyozit, orbital pain, ophthalmoplegia, headhacge

Corresponding Author: Emek Uyur Yalçın, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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