Infections experienced in pregnancy have negative effects on pregnancy and intrauterine infections fall within the most important reasons of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Teratogenic infections create a clinically similar picture, they should be assessed together. Another
point making the said infections important is the fact that they cause advanced sequelae in fetus even though they progress asymptomatically in pregnant woman. It may be possible only with proof-based approaches to diagnose the infection in the women and fetuses who experienced infection during their youths, to manage pregnancy, to provide quality healthcare in order to carry out both delivery and postnatal care safely in preventing the transmission of infection from mother to child, to avoid unnecessary applications, to increase the functionality of the applications which are non-routine but proven to be useful, to avoid using unpractical applications. Healthcare
professionals should take proof-based approaches as a guide in providing healthcare in order to reach the said targets and integrate them into clinical practice. The purpose in this compilation is to discuss the operations in case of infectious diseases in pregnancy (vaccination,
serological screening and diagnosis tests, prenatal diagnosis tests, treatment and newborn breastfeeding) with the results of meta-analysis and systematic compilation of randomized studies in the literature.