INTRODUCTION: : This study aims to evaluate the seroprevalence of VZV in pregnant women admitted to our hospital for pregnancy follow-up.
METHODS: : The results of the blood samples sent to the microbiology laboratory of xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx with VZV IgG and VZV IgM requests from the pregnant women who applied to xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx for pregnancy follow-up between January 1, 2012, and December 30, 2019, were examined. VZV IgG test VIDAS® system and VZV IgM test ELISA method were used in blood samples. Values <0.9 for VZV IgG were considered negative and vales >0.9 positive; values <10 for VZV IgM were considered negative and values >10 were considered positive.
RESULTS: 488 pregnant women were included in the study. The median maternal age was 31 years ( 19-45) and the median gestational week at which the sampling was performed was 7 weeks ( 5-9). VZV IgG positivity was detected in 265 pregnant women (54.3%) and VZV IgG negativity was detected in 223 pregnant women (35.7%). No VZV IgM positivity was detected in the samples taken.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: VZV IgG sensitivity was 54.3% in the scanned group. VZV screening during the first-trimester pregnancy examination will provide more accurate counseling during pregnancy even though VZV screening is not recommended during routine pregnancy follow-up. There will be an opportunity to vaccinate pregnant women who are susceptible after pregnancy.