INTRODUCTION: We evaluated the etiology factors ant treatment modalities of pediatric burns.
METHODS: This retrospective study was carried out using data from Konya Education and Research Hospital Burn Unit. Patients those admitted to our hospital between September 2013 - April 2014 were evaluated.
RESULTS: Clinical data, including age and sex of the patient, depth of burn injury, TBSA (total body surface area) burned %, etiology
of burn and treatement were evaluated. The 48 study subjects included 26 (%54) male and 22 (%46) female pediatric patients
(mean age, 3.1 years 1-17). %38 percent of patients had second degree superficial, %48 of them had had second degree deep and
%2 had third degree burns. The mean percentage of TBSA was %8 (%3-55). Etiology of burn was tea %44, hot water %36, stove %8,
milk % 2, oil %2 scent bottle %2, pressure cooker explosion %2, gel candles %2, and bomb %2. 11 of 48 patients (%23) had wound
debridement under general anestesia, 4 (%8.3) patient were treated by autogrefting, parents of 6 patient refused treatment, 2 patients
used pressure dresing, and after escarotomy 1 patient was
transferred to burn center.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In %80 of patients etiology is scalding. Most of them ocur due to tea. Parents must be educated. Vocational Training of pediatric surgeons and nurses is necessary for treating minor and moderate burn.