E-ISSN 2757-8062
Volume: 56 Issue: 1 Year: 2025

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Ectopic pelvic kidney: Prenatal diagnosis and management [Zeynep Kamil Med J]
Zeynep Kamil Med J. 2021; 52(3): 147-151 | DOI: 10.14744/zkmj.2021.21033

Ectopic pelvic kidney: Prenatal diagnosis and management

Gürcan Türkyilmaz1, Bilal Çetin2
1Department Of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Van Education And Research Hospital, Van, Turkey
2Department Of Urology, Sancaktepe Şehit Profesör İlhan Varank Education and Research Hospital Istanbul, Turkey

INTRODUCTION: Ectopic pelvic kidney (EPK) is one of the most frequent renal anomalies detected in newborns as 1 /500-700. Although it is generally asymptomatic, its association with recurrent urinary infections, vesicoureteral reflux, predisposition to stone formation and genital anomalies has been shown. This study aimed to present the prenatal findings and postnatal outcomes of cases diagnosed with unilateral EPK.
METHODS: Twelve cases were recruited for this study between January 2018-June 2020 in xxxxxxx. EPK diagnosis was achieved if the kidney was located in the pelvis, the separation of the kidney-specific cortex-medulla was present, and the renal pelvis was detected. EPK diagnosis was confirmed by renal USG in all cases postnatally. Long-term results of all cases were analyzed retrospectively from patients records. Statistical analysis was achieved by calculating the mean and standard deviation values with the SPSS 20 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Chicago, USA).
RESULTS: Mean gestational age at diagnosis week was 25.2 ± 4.2 weeks. Left EPK was detected in 7 (58.3%) and right EPK in 5 (41.7%) cases. Pelvis dilatation was detected in EPK in 2 (16.6%) cases and the kidney versus 3 (25%) fetuses. An additional structural anomaly was observed in 1 (8.3%) case. A genital anomaly was not observed in any case during the prenatal period. The mean follow-up interval was 11.2 ± 2.8 months. 7 (58.3%) were female, and 5 (41.7%) were male. Renal functions were normal in all cases. A total of 3 (25%) cases, including grade-1 vesicoureteral reflux in 1 case, recurrent urinary infection in 1 case, and hypospadias in 1 case, anomaly associated with EPK was detected.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The presence of EPK should be investigated in all fetuses with an empty renal fossa. All cases should be followed up after delivery in terms of accompanying anomalies.

Keywords: anomaly, fetus, kidney, ultrasonography

Corresponding Author: Gürcan Türkyilmaz, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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