INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study is to discuss the results of products of conception (POC) karyotype analysis in cases with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL).
METHODS: The data of the cases evaluated with the diagnosis of RPL were retrospectively obtained and the results were examined (n=485). Among them, 135 cases with karyotype analysis were included in the study. Maternal age, gestational week, and karyotype analysis results were recorded (n=129). Cases between 6 and 14 weeks of age were included in the study. Maternal age, gestational week, and karyotype analysis results of cases with RPL between 6 and 14 weeks of gestation were recorded as data. Genetic analysis of POC was made with conventional cytogenetic techniques.
RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-five cases diagnosed with RPL were included in the study. Mean maternal age was 34.43±5.41 years and mean gestational age was 8.36±1.58 weeks. Abnormal karyotype was detected in 40 cases (40/129, 31%). Karyotype analysis was normal in 89 cases and among these, two fetuses had 46, XX, 9qh+ polymorphism. In cases with abnormal karyotype, maternal age was found to be more advanced compared to euploid karyotypes (35.97±5.31 vs 33.57±5.31, p=0.0188). Again, in male fetuses (17/35), when compared to females (23/83), significantly more abnormal karyotypes were detected (p=0.048).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The frequency of abnormal karyotype in RPL cases was 31%, and the most common abnormality was autosomomal trisomies (62.5%). Trisomy 22 was the most common of the trisomies (24%). We also emphasize that the frequency of abnormal karyotype increases with advanced maternal age, according to our results.