Zeynep Kamil Med J. 2017; 48(4): 168-172 | DOI: 10.16948/zktipb.290910
Vulvar Parauretral Ekstragastroıntestinal Stromal Tumor; A Case Report
Mesut Tek1, Idris Aydın2, Yasemin Yuyucu Karabulut2, Mürşide Çevikoğlu Kıllı31Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, Mersin
2Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Mersin
3Mersin University Faculty of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mersin
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) are mesenchymal tumors that are arises from the wall of the gastrointestinal tract and is throught to originate from the Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC), which regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. More rarely neoplasms with histology and immunohistochemistry similar to gastrointestinal stromal tumors may ocur outside the gastrointestinal tract and are
so-called Extra-gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (EGISTs). Surgical removal is the gold standard treatment for non-metastatic Extragastrointestinal stromal tumors. We reported a very rare case of ekstragastrointestinal stromal tumor arising from the vulva in this article.
Keywords: ekstra gastroıntestinal stromal tumor, gastrointestınal stromal tumor, parauretral mass, vulvar mass
Mesut Tek, Idris Aydın, Yasemin Yuyucu Karabulut, Mürşide Çevikoğlu Kıllı. Vulvar Parauretral Ekstragastroıntestinal Stromal Tumor; A Case Report. Zeynep Kamil Med J. 2017; 48(4): 168-172
Corresponding Author: Mesut Tek, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English