E-ISSN 2757-8062
Volume : 43 Issue : 3 Year : 2024

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Volume: 43  Issue: 3 - 2012
1.Asemptomatik Postmenopozal Kadınlarda Transvajinal Patolojileri Değerlendirmedeki Yeri
Ayşe Nurcan Ünlüer, Remzi Abalı, Mehmet Aytaç Yüksel, Ilkbal Temel, Cem Çelik, Ahmet Birtan Boran, Serpil Bozkurt
Pages 10 - 15
INTRODUCTION: We aimed to analyze the effectiveness of endometrial thickness evaluation by transvaginal ultrasonography in endometrial cancer diagnosis, and the relation between endometrial cancer risks and thickness.
METHODS: We investigated postmenopausal women who vizited our menopause clinic in between June 2008 and August 2009
RESULTS: We performed endometrial sampling to 54 patients whose endometrial thickness were over 5 mm. After histopathological examination
we found 1 patient had atypic endometrial hyperplasia, 14 patient had endometrial polyps, 7 patients had findings of endometrial proliferation and 32 patients had normal histological findings. Postmenopausal patients having endometrial thickness over 5 mm were found to have statistically higher incedence of diabetes and hypertension with increased body mass index. Endometrial thickness were found statistically thinner in patients who smoke and had previous hormonal treatment.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although routine transvaginal ultrasound examination in asymptomatic postmenopausal women were not found as significant in
screening of cancer, it can help in prediction and definition of risk group as an noninvasive method.

2.Hasta Güvenliği Önlemlerinin Perinatal Kliniklere Uyarlanması ve Uygulama Rehberlerinin Geliştirilmesi
Asibe Özkan, Nuran Kömürcü
Pages 15 - 20

3.Gebelikte Karbonmonoksit Zehirlenmesi; Olgu Sunumu
Uğur Keskin, Aşkın Evren Güler, Yahya Kemal Koçyiğit, Cihangir Mutlu Ercan, Hüseyin Pehlivan, Ali Ergünn
Pages 20 - 25
Abstract |Full Text PDF

Mehmet Akif Sargın, Ali Gedikbaşı, Emel Asar Canaz, Tamer Günay, Irmak Dicle Sargın, Yavuz Ceylan
Pages 78 - 83
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Obstetride, uygunsuz serviks varlığında doğum indüksiyonundan önce serviksin olgunlaştırılması için çeşitli farmakolojik ve mekanik yöntemler sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Tüm bu metodların çeşitli yan etkileri vardır. Yenidoğan sarılığı bu yan etkilerden birisidir. Biz çalışmamızda, servikal olgunlaşma ve doğum indüksiyonunda kullanılan farmakolojik ajanlardan intravaginal dinoprostonun yenidoğan sarılığına etkisini araştırdık.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Hastanemiz gebe izlem polikliniği ve acil doğum polikliniğine başvuran; doğum indüksiyonu için kontrendikasyonu ve yenidoğan sarılığı için bilinen risk faktörü olmayan 140 gebe çalışma grubumuza dahil edildi. Bu grupta 48 gebeye sadece dinoprostone ile, 46 gebeye sadece misoprostol ile ve 46 gebeye sadece oksitosin ile farmakolojik indüksiyon uygulandı. Elektif sezeryan ile doğum yapan 44 gebe ve indüksiyon almayan, normal spontan doğum yapan 47 gebe ile kontrol grubu oluşturuldu. Tüm bebeklerin kordon kanından kan grubu, hemogram ve biyokimya çalışıldı. Postpartum 3. ve 6.gün total bilirubin seviyeleri karşılaştırıldı.
BULGULAR: Çalışma gruplarının 3. ve 6. gün total bilirubin seviyeleri arasında istatistiksel bir fark görülmedi. Sırasıyla oksitosin infüzyon grubunda 8,23±3,96 ve 7,36±4,66 mg/dl; misoprostol grubunda 8,43±4,23 ve 6,75±4,73 mg/dl; dinoproston grubunda 7,63±3,46 ve 6,69±3,58
mg/dl bulundu (p>0.05). Bu değerler kontrol gruplarından elektif sezeryan grubunda 7,46±2,04 ve 8,22±4,15 mg/dl; normal spontan doğum grubunda 8,7±4,14 ve 7,43±4,64 mg/dl bulundu. Çalışma ve kontrol grubundaki hastaların 3. ve 6. gün total bilirubin seviyeleri arasında istatistiksel bir fark görülmedi (p>0.05).
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: İntravaginal dinoproston (PGE2) kullanımı yenidoğan sarılığı açısından güvenli bir farmakolojik ajandır.
INTRODUCTION: Different mechanical and pharmacological methods are commonly used in obstetrical practice for ripening the cervix before labor
induction if the the cervix is unfavorable. All of labor induction methods have side effects. Neonatal jaundice is one of these side effects. In our study, we searched the effect of dinoprostone that used in cervical ripening and labor induction, in regard of neonatal bilirubin levels.
METHODS: 68 preeclamptic pregnants diagnosed between140 cases, who applied to the antenatal outpatient clinic, the perinatology outpatient clinic and emergency service between March 2007- April 2008 and who didn’t have any contraindication for induction and any
known risk factor for newborn jaundice, formed our study group. Of those cases, study groups were constructed by administering induction by dinoprostone in 48, by misoprostol in 46, and by oxytosin in 46 cases. A control group consisted of pregnant women, 44 of whom delivered a baby by cesarean section with an aprpointment and 47 by normal spontaneous delivery. Haemogram, blood
groups and biochemistry were studied fom cord blood of all babies. Their total bilirubin levels were measured and compared at postpartum 3rd and 6th days.
RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in 3rd and 6th day total bilirubin levels among study groups. These values were 8,23±3,96 and 7,36±4,66 mg/dl in oxytocin infusion group, 8,43±4,23 and 6,75±4,73 mg/dl in misoprostol group, 7,63±3,46 and 6,69±3,58 mg/dl in dinoprostone group, respectively (p>0.05). Those values were 7,46±2,04 and 8,22±4,15 mg/dl in section with appointment which formed the control group and 8,7±4,14 and 7,43±4,64 mg/dl in normal spontaneous delivery group. There were no statistically significant difference between 3rd day and 6th day bilirubin values among study and control groups (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As a result of evaluation of results we obtained in our study with the literature, administering intravaginal dinoprostone (PGE2) is a safe method for the aspect of newborn jaundice.

5.Sezaryen Skar Endometrioması: Olgu sunumu
Özkan Özdamar, Ali Babacan, Ismet Gün
Pages 100 - 104
Cesarean Scar Endometriosis; A Case Report
Endometriosis is defined as the ectopic settlement of the endometrial stroma and the glands outside the uterine cavity. Scar endometriosis is a rare form of this disease with increasing incidence. The prevalent complaints are menstruation related nodule, pain and sometimes bleeding, in the area of surgical incision. The definitive therapy is surgery which requires attention to some points. In this case report, we examined the case of painful tumor emerging 22 months after cesarean section in the site of surgical incision, with an emphasis on the important points of surgery.

6.Trakeözofageal Fistül; Olgu Sunumu
Okan Özden, Ismet Gün
Pages 105 - 107
Tracheoesophageal Fistula; A Case Report
A tracheoesophageal fistula is an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea and is a rarely seen pathology. The absence of the fetal stomach or visualization of the fetal stomach smaller than normal by ultrasound in early gestation, and detection of polyhydramnios in third trimester are the most valuable signs in ultrasonographic examination. In addition to this, depending on the type of the anomaly, blind pouch sign of the esophagus can be detected at the mediastinum or in the neck, next to trachea. The rate of diagnosis in the ultrasonographic examination during pregnancy is about %42 (4), and %58 of the patients diagnosed in postpartum period. In this paper we aimed to present a baby diagnosed TOF, as a rare entity

7.Sosyoekonomik Özelliklerin Denver-II Test Performansına Etkisi
Feray Güven, Aysu Say, Ilkay Sarı, Erdal Sarı, Serpil Değirmenci, Nihan Uygun Külcü
Pages 108 - 113
INTRODUCTION: Early detections of deviations from normal child development, detection of underlying risk factors and early treatment is crucial. In
this study, we aimed to assess the development of children by Denver II test and the associated socioeconomic factors.
METHODS: A total number of 179 children attending to Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Childrens’ Diseases Training and Research Hospital were included in this study and Denver II Developmental Screening Test was performed. Detailed prenatal, natal and postnatal history was collected. Physical and neurological examinations were performed. Socio-economic level of the family and the child’s developmental stages were recorded.
RESULTS: The high socioeconomic level was associated with higher rates of normal Denver scores, early neurodevelopment, higher percentages of being working mother, higher duration of breastfeeding. Children watching television more than two hours had higher incidence of abnormal and suspicious results. There was no statistical difference in Denver scores based on gender (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this study, we found that children’s socio-economic level greatly affects the test results. Easy modification like; to encourage
breastfeeding, the allocation of time to talk to the child, reduction of the child’s television viewing time, reduction of usage of a walker, will positively affect the development of children.

8.Fazla Kilolu ve Obez Çocuklarda İnsülin Direnci ve Metabolik Sendrom Prevalansı
Erdal Sarı, Feyza Mediha Yıldız, Meral Inalhan, Ilkay Sarı, Rabia Gönül Sezer
Pages 114 - 119
INTRODUCTION: Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are recognized as a complication of obesity and are becoming a significant problem in
parallel with an increase in obezity. In this article, we aimed to assess overweight and/or obese children in terms of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
METHODS: A total number of 102 children aged between 6-16 years are included in this study from September 2008 to December
2008. HOMA-IR values have been identified for the diagnosis of insulin resistance. The modified WHO criteria are used for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.
RESULTS: The overall insidance of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome was %55.8 and %33.3, respectively. Insulin resistance was
present in %47.8 of overweight and %58.2 of obese children. Metabolic syndrome was detected in %43.03 of obese children.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Childhood obesity is an important a public health problem requiring preventive measures.

9.Tekrarlayan VII. Kraniyal Sinir Felci ile Tanı Alan Nadir bir Sistemik Lupus Eritematozuslu olgu: Olgu Sunumu
Betül Sözeri, Ipek Kaplan Bulut, Nida Dinçel, Sevgi Mir
Pages 120 - 123
Recurrent cranial nerve VII palsy as a rare initial presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus
Cranial neuropathy is a rare occurrence in patients with systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). We described that diagnosed with recurrent
symptoms of facial nerve paralysis is pediatric case with SLE. Her past medical history was six times peripheral facial paralysis. The patient was given prednisolone and hydroxychloroquine with complete resolution of her symptoms within three weeks. She had no recurrence in follow up time. We believe this is the first report of SLE presenting as recurrent facial palsy in children.

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