E-ISSN 2757-8062
Volume : 43 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

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Volume: 43  Issue: 4 - 2012
1. Üreme Tıbbında Kök Hücrelerin Rolü
Ercan Baştu, Mehmet Fırat Mutlu, Cem Çelik, Bülent Aysal
Pages 124 - 127
Role of Stem Cells in Reproductive Medicine
Introduction: Results of the recent studies on stem cells are very promising. Successful identification and isolation of stem cells in human reproductive organs like uterus and ovaries may have an significant impact on how we evaluate and treat several disorders in the field of reproductive medicine.The aim of this review is present the latest developments in reproductive tract stem cell biology.

2. Farklı Ülkelerin Malpraktis Konusunda Yasal Düzenleme Girişimleri, Zorunlu Mali Sorumluluk Sigortası
Pınar Güngör, Yeliz Doğan Merih, Meryem Yaşar Kocabey
Pages 128 - 138
Legal Arrangement Attempts of Different Countries about Malpractice: Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance Approaches
Introduction and Aim: The word “malpractice” is derived from latin as “mala-praxis” which means occupational fault with unreasonable skill or lack of care. If damage occurs after a medical invasive procedure, this damage occu criminal and jural responsibility risk for healthcare staffs, in the case of general responsibility rules. Nowadays, the increasing number of suits of the healthcare staffs because of medical praxis faults cause anxiety. This study analyse the legal arrangement attempts of different countries about malpractice and the approachs of compulsory financial liability insurance in recent years.
Material and methods: In this study, Sweden, U.S.A, Germany, Finland, Japan and Turkey where the concept of malpractice is considered and the studies on malpractice forms basis, are analysed.
Results: : In all six countries, the studies engage the concept of malpractice actively and the legal arrangements have been developed. Due to the analysation of the faults, in all countries the faults which are caused from surgical intervention, are the most common ones, the doctors are the dominant group in terms of the bringing suits and in all countries except Finland, the healthcare staffs are faced with a lawsuit as a result of the faults. Among all countries, the highest indemnity and so the highest insurance company premium present in U.S.A. In all analysed countries extensive studies are being done to prevent the medical faults.
Conclusion: To prevent the medical faults, the healthcare staffs should be informed about precaution praxis and it is important to do the faults’ notification and melioration studies.

3. İkinci Trimester Maternal Uterin Arter Doppler Analizi ve Gebelik Sonuçları
Turhan Aran, Deniz Kulaksız, Mehmet Armağan Osmanağaoğlu, Esra Aran, Hasan Bozkaya
Pages 139 - 143
INTRODUCTION: Second Trimester Maternal Uterine Artery Doppler Analysis and Perinatal Outcomes
Objective: to investigate the relationship between second trimester maternal uterine artery doppler analysis and perinatal outcomes
METHODS: This study was conducted on pregnant women whose uterine artery were analyzed with doppler ultrasound at second trimester. The study was designed in a retrospective manner. Patients’ obstetric history, uterine artery doppler results and perinatal outcomes were collected from hospital records. The independent t test was used for statistical analysis and the p value was set as 0.05 for statistical significance.
RESULTS: A total of 526 women were enrolled the study. The mean patients’ age and weight and BMI were 29.8±5.5and 72.6±11.1 and 28.1±4.7 respectively. The mean second trimester uterine artery PI, RI, S/D ratio were 1.15±0.4, 0.62±0.1 and 2.93±1.2 respectively. The PI and RI ratios were higher than 0.58 and 1.6 in 226 (%42.9) and 74 (%14) women. Early diastolic notch were detected in 96 (%18.2) women. In these women the RI ratio was lower than cutt off value only in seven women whereas the PI was lower in thirty-six women. The rate of fetal growth restriction, oligohidroamnios, preterm delivery and preeclampsia were %15.6, %14.5, %14.5 and %10.4 respectively in women who have diastolic notch. There was one intrauterine fetal loss due to abruptio placenta.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Second trimester uterine artery doppler analysis should not be recommended for screening purposes because of high false rate

4. Preeklampside 1. Ve 3. Trimester MPV Oranlarının Hastalığı Öngörebilme Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması
Pınar Batu, Cem Çelik, Bahar Baykal, Nagihan Kaya, Erbil Çakar, Aktug Ertekin
Pages 144 - 151
INTRODUCTION: To investigate the prognostic value of the levels of mean platelet volumes (MPV) in preeclampsia
METHODS: MPV values obtained 1st and 3rd trimesters in preeclamptic and severe preeclamptic woman diagnosed according to the ACOG (2002) criteria were compared with the same parameters of healthy pregnant subjects
RESULTS: 69 preeclamptic, 72 severe preeclamptic and 52 healthy pregnant women were investigated. It was calculated that, if the 1st trimester MPV values were greater than 8,3 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 1.73. Additionally, if the 3rd trimester MPV values were greater than 9, 6 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 2.37.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Increased MPV values may be helpful in predicting severe pereclampsia.

5. Abdominal Histeroktomi Sonrası Görülen Cerrahi Alan Enfeksiyonlarının Risk Faktörlerinin ve Tedavi Süreçlerinin İncelenmesi
Yeliz Doğan Merih, Meryem Yaşar Kocabey, Pınar Güngör, Kerime Derya Beydağ, Ayşen Gürbüz
Pages 152 - 158
INTRODUCTION: To determine the risk factors and treatment process of surgical site infections after abdominal hysterectomy in a gynecology clinic
METHODS: 50 patients who had surgical site infection after abdominal hysterectomy throughout three years were analyzed and risk factors, treatment process are determined.
RESULTS: The occurrence of surgical site infections seen after abdominal hysterectomy was 2.1%. 45% had high body-mass indices; 30% had history of diabetes, were hospitalized at least 2 days before the operation and 96% stayed in operation table more than 60 minutes. 90% had superficial surgical site infection, 96% needed antibiotics, third generation cephalosporins were the first choice and 34% underwent secondary saturation. No other complication was observed.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Compared with existing data, our range is low and the risk factors are the same. To minimize surgical site infections, A multidiciplinary approach, attention to patient history, to existing risk factors, careful preoperative evaluation, strict adherence of the operation teams to standardized operation techniques, appropriate prophylaxis, postoperative patient care, effective surveillance and feedback are regarded as important

6. Tersiyer Bir Merkezde Polihidramnios Olgularının Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi
Muhammet Erdal Sak, Abdulkadir Turgut, Ali Özler, Sibel Sak, Çağlar Altundağ, Talip Gül
Pages 159 - 162
INTRODUCTION: To evaluate our polyhydramnios cases regarding to fetal and maternal factors retrospectively.
METHODS: 149 polyhdramniotic pregnancies throughout 4 years were evaluated and maternal age, parity, mode of delivery, indication for cesarean section, delivery week, prematurity, 1st and 5th minute APGAR score, birth weight, end polyhydramnios etiology were recorded.
RESULTS: Polihydramnios rate was %1.09 (149/13624).Mean Maternal age 31.32±6.56, gravidity 5.49±3.03, parity 4.01±2.78, mean gestational week 34.06±4.16, mean birth weight 2298±873 grams, perinatal mortality rate %32.21 (n=48). Etiological factors were idiopathic %57.72 (n=86), fetal anomalies %25.50 (n=38), and gestational diabetes %11, 41 (n=17), respectively. Most frequent fetal anomaly was central nerve system anomalies %16.10 (n=24) with anencephaly as %7.38 (n=11). %1, 34 (n=2) had non immune hydrops fetalis, whereas %4.0 (n=6) had immune hydrops Fetalis. Mode of deliveries were cesarean (%47.65) and vaginal (%52.35), respectively.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: A programmed antenatal surveillance could result in early detection of etiological factors. Patients should be referred to tertiary centers to facilitate early interventions.

7. Postmenopozal Dönemde Bir Adneksiyal Kitle: Paratubal Kist
Yaşam Kemal Akpak, Ismet Gün
Pages 163 - 166
Paratubal cysts are embryological remnants. They usually are asymptomatic, have a benign course. These cysts are usually diagnosed during adolescence and reproductive age. In general their sizes are small and they are not larger than 8 cm. In this case, we present preoperative diagnosis with follow-up and treatment options for a paratubal symptomatic cyst that is larger than 10 cm in postmenopausal patient.

8. Laparoscopic Management of a Unicornuate Uterus with Non-communicating Rudimentary Horn: Case Report
Cem Çelik, Şevki Goksun Gokulu, Nicel Taşdemir, Remzi Abalı, Erson Aksu, Utku Doğan
Pages 167 - 170
Laparoscopic removal of a unicornuate uterus with non-communicating rudimentary horn is reported. Preoperative diagnosis was made according physical examination, pelvic ultrasonography and hysterosalpingography. The patient underwent hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. The patient was discharged from hospital in 24 hours. Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of Müllerian abnormalities advance visualization of the pelvic anatomy, cause minimal adhesion formations, reduce post-operative pain and shorten postoperative period.

9. Meckel Divertikülünde Buton Pilin Neden Olduğu Nadir Bir Perforasyon Olgusu
Inanç Cici, Gökmen Kurt, Ayşenur Cerrah Celayir, Koray Pelin, Oktav Bosnalı, Serdar Moralıoğlu
Pages 171 - 173
The incidence of cases with button cell ingestion in children has been increasing due to the wide usage of button-cells in electronic toys recently. In a case admitted with acute abdomen, Meckel’s diverticulum perforation was found due to foreign body in diverticulum. Since a button-cell was found in the diverticulum the case was presented to draw attention to this rarity.

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