1. | Normozoospermi̇k ve Oli̇gozoospermi̇k Erkeklerde Dondurma Çözdürme İşlemi̇ni̇n Sperm DNA Kondensasyonuna Etkisi Emine Aksoy, Alanur Menekşe Güven, Müşerref Sultan Mermer, Gökhan Cüce, Hasan Ali&775; Inal Pages 176 - 182 INTRODUCTION: Sperm cryopreservation is a commonly used method in assisted reproductive treatments. In this process, during freezing and thawing, handling of specimens is crucial to preserve the viability. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the changes in the sperm concentration and to determine the correlation between motility, morphology, and DNA condensation parameters and decreased motility during freezing and thawing. Our secondary aim was to reveal the potential effects of freezing on the semen parameters in raw or washed state. METHODS: 15 oligozoospermic patients with 15 controls with normal sperm parameters were recruited to study in Konya Education and Research Hospital IVF Clinic, Turkey. Motility, morphology, and DNA condensation were analyzed in both raw and washed sperm samples by gradient method. Sperm cryoprotect II solution was used to freeze the samples. After 15 days all samples were thawed and the same parameters were studied afterwards. RESULTS: Compared with raw samples, washing increased the progressive motility in both groups. Condensation and morphologic parameters were not significantly different. Freezing process in raw specimens decreases the progressive motility in both groups. However, no significant effect was observed on condensation and morphology DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: To protect the motility after thawing, washed sperms could be a better option during freezing process. Interestingly, in our study group, we failed to demonstrate any significant effect on DNA condensation in both groups. |
2. | Endometrial Polip Ön Tanılı Hastalarda Histeroskopi Sonuçlarımız Hasan Terzi, Ahmet Kale, M. Akif Sargın Pages 183 - 185 INTRODUCTION: A retrospective evaluationof the effectiveness of hysteroscopy in patients with a diagnosis of endometrial polyps METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of 64 premenopausal and postmenopausal patients seen at a Education and Research Hospital from November 2011 to February 2012. Patients underwent transvaginal ultrasonography and hysterescopy as part of endometrial cavity evaluation. RESULTS: Mean gestational age of patients was 49.4±8.78. Twenty six (%40.6) patients diagnosed as endometrial polyp, 14 (%21.9) patients endometrial disorders, 11 (%17.2) diagnosed as atrophic endometrium, 6 (%9.4) patients diagnosed as submucous myoma, 5 (%7.8) patients diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasia, 1 (%1.6) patients diagnosed as endometrial adenocarcinoma; 1 (%1.6) patients diagnosed as cervical polyp at hysterescopy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Hysteroscopy is today a valuable tool in diagnosis of endometrial pathology in premenopausel and postmenopausel patients. |
3. | İleri̇ Yaşta Pelvi̇k Organ Prolapsusu (POP) Ve Stres Üri̇ner İnkonti̇nans(SUİ) Bi̇rli̇kteli̇ği̇nde Gerçekleşti̇rdi̇ği̇mi̇z 8 Adet Le Fort Kolpoklezi̇s ve Transobturatuar Tape (TOT) Operasyon Özge Kızılkale, Mustafa Eroğlu, Gazi Yıldırım, Murat Bakacak, M. Süha Bostancı, Rukset Attar, Zeynep Bakacak, Cem Fıçıcıoğlu Pages 186 - 189 INTRODUCTION: To show that Le fort colpocleisis+TOT operations are effective, safe procedures with low mortality and morbidity which can be applied with local anesthesia in advanced aged patients with low physical conditions and high anesthesia risks. METHODS: 8 patients visiting Yeditepe University Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Cllinic for POP and SUI and undergoing Le Fort Colpocleisis+TOT operation in the last 3 years were included in the study. RESULTS: The mean age of our patients was 82,8 years. All patients had advance pelvic organ prolapsus on examination. They also had urinary incontinans on stress test. Neither of the patients had active sexual life or sexual life expectance. All our patients had hypertension, 3 of them had diabetes, 2 had cerebrovascular accident history, 1 had COPD, and 1 had idiopathic pulmonary edema. They were all consulted with anesthesiology and other related disciplines preoperatively. Three of our patients received sedation+local anesthesia, 3 had general anesthesia and 2 had regional anesthesia. Rectangular shaped mucosa was removed from anterior and posteror vaginal wall of all patients. The denude areas were sutured onto each other leaving grooves on lateral parts of vagina(Le Fort Colpoclesis). Also TOT operation was performed for each patient. No complication was encountered peri/postoperatively. Urinary catheters were removed on the first postoperative day and residual urine amounts were measured. Residual urine amount was less than 100 mls for each patient. Neither of our patients had postoprative complications and they were all discharged from the hospital on the second postoperative day. All our patients underwent repeat gynecologic examination and none of them had stress incontinance. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Colpocleisis is a safe and efficient way of correcting POP in advanced age patients with no sexual life. The procedure has low postoperative mortality and morbidity. In the presence of SUI TOT is a safe,efficient and reliable procedure to be combined with Le Fort in a selected population of patients. |
4. | Kanser Kök Hücresi Şule Ayla, Gülperi Öktem, Gamze Tanrıverdi, Ayhan Biliri Pages 190 - 196 There has been a growing important in recent years in the role stem cells play in health and disease. In the cancer tissue, this population of long lived cells with extraordinary expansion potential has been called tumor initialing cells or cancer stem cells (CSCs). It ıs thought that CSCs are responsible for these aggressive and reccurent tumors.Research has been increasing in recent years into the application of stem cell biology to clinical medicine, particularly it’s role in the evolution and metastasis tumours.Cancer stem cell may have a specific role in tumour metastasis, and their understanding may provide insight into the development of predictive and prognostic markers, future studies shoul lead to development of CSCs targeted therapies for cancer treatment. |
5. | Servi̇kal İntraepi̇telyal Neoplazi̇ Ti̇p II (CIN II) Tanısı Sonrası 10. Yılda Ortaya Çıkan Vulvar İntraepi̇telyal Neoplazi̇ Ti̇p II (VIN II): Olgu Sunumu M Süha Bostancı, Mustafa Eroğlu, Rukset Attar, Özge Kızılkale, Murat Bakacak, Gazi Yıldırım, Cem Fıçıcıoğlu Pages 197 - 199 Vulvar intraepitelial neoplasias (VIN) are usualy considered as precancerous lesions. Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) have closed relation with women’s genitalia precancerous lesions. New precancerous lesions from adjacent tissues may appear even after curative therapy for HPV leisons. We present a VIN II case that she had hysterectomy 10 years ago for cervical intraepitelial neoplasia type II originated from HPV 16 infections. |
6. | Spontan Üçüz Bir Gebelikte Yapışık İkiz Sümeyra Nergiz, Baran Özhan Baykal, Özlem Altınkaya, Hasan Yüksel, Mert Küçük, Selda Demircan Sezer Pages 200 - 204 Conjoined or Siameset wins occurrarely. Itsoccurence in tripletpregnancy is very rare. The secasesaremostly reported in pregnancies gained by way of assisted reproductive techniques. Here, a conjoined twin in a spontaneoustriplet pregnancy case was reported and discussed the current literature. Early fetal demise of conjoined twin was diagnosed. The pregnancy continued until term as a livesinglefetus. A healthy baby was delivered without any problem. |
7. | İncebarsak Mezosunda RIA: Nadir Bir Olgu Zehra Nihal Dolgun, Rakhshanda Aslanova, Emrah Turhan, Niyazi Cenk Sayın Pages 205 - 207 The dislocation of an intrauterine device (IUD) by perforating the uterus is a rare but serious complication. Although laceration of neighbouring organs is possible, the migration of IUD to the jejunal mesenterium in the fifth day of application (and probable perforation) is an extreme example of this rare situation. In this report we present a case who was applied an IUD on the postpartum 30th day and referred to our clinic with abdominal pain two days later.The explorational surgery revealed the IUD stuck in jejunal mesenterium 150 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. |
8. | Body Stalk Anomalisi: Olgu Sunumu Mesut Polat, Resul Arısoy, Emre Erdoğdu, Özgür Aydın Tosun, Resul Karakuş, Oya Pekin, Ahmet Semih Tuğrul Pages 208 - 210 Body stalk anomaly is a rare fatal anomaly characterized by abdominal wall defects, scoliosis, short or absence of umblical cord. We reported a case of body stalk anomaly who were diagnosed prenatally. 28 year old case was referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of congenital anomaly. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a fetus, 16 weeks of gestation, with large abdominal wall defect (including liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestine and bladder), thoracolomber kifoscoliosis, short umblical cord with single artery. Pregnancy was terminated with the diagnosis of body stalk anomaly. Termination of the pregnancy should be considered in the management of this lethal anomaly. The differentional diagnosis and early prenatal diagnosis is important in the management of the other abdominal wall defects. |
9. | Postmenapozal Nadi̇r Görülen Bi̇r Over Tümörü: Endometri̇oi̇d Ki̇stadenofi̇brom (Olgu Sunumu) Murat Bakacak, Özge Kızılkale, Rukset Attar, Gazi Yıldırım, M. Süha Bostancı, Elif Bağlam, Cem Fıçıcıoğlu Pages 211 - 213 53-year-old postmenopausal patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingooophorectomy because of a mass in the left ovary. Bilateral ovarian endometrioid adenofibroma was detected in the pathological examination was presented in this case report. |
10. | Prematüre Retinopatisi: Sıklık Azalıyor mu? Murat Günay, Sevilay Topçuoğlu, Gökhan Çelik, Tuğba Gürsoy Pages 214 - 220 INTRODUCTION: Toreportthefrequency of retinopathy of prematurityamongprematureinfants in ourclinic METHODS: Medical records of 620 prematurebabies who had been referred to Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children’s Training and Research Hospital for retinopathy of prematurity screening fromouter centers or who had been managed in neonatal intensive care unit at the same hospitalwere investigated retrospectively. Characteristics of infants as gestationalage, birth weight, findings pertaining to retinopathy of prematurity (disease zone and stage), findings of treated cases (treatment modality, postmenstrualage at treatment time) were recorded. RESULTS: Three hundred-twenty (51.6%) of patients were male, 300 (48.4%) were female. Meangestationalage of infants was 31,21±2,61 weeks (24- 34) and mean birth weight was 1645,17±552,03 grams (470-3870). Several stages of retinopathy of prematurity (stage1-3) was detected in 314 (50.6%) of 620 babies during the follow-upperiod. High risk prethres hold retinopathy of prematurity was detected in 84 (13.5%) babies and laserphotocoagulation or intravitrealanti VEGF therapy was applied to the seinfants. There was a significantin versecorrelation between the development of retinopathy of prematurity with gestational age and birth weight. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Early gestational ageand low birthweight are thet womost important parameters in development of retinopathy of prematurity. Visual outcomes are better in cases which are treated appropriately and timely. |
11. | Erken Membran Rüptürünün Preterm Bebeklerde Morbi̇di̇te ve Mortali̇te Üzeri̇ne Etki̇si̇ni̇n Araştırılması Leyla Daban Kolsuz, Bilge Demirel, Tuğba Gürsoy, Güner Karatekin, Fahri Ovalı Pages 221 - 226 INTRODUCTION: Prematüre membrane rupture is the rupture of fetal membranes between any period of gestation and 42nd week, before 18-24 hours of delivery.When the membranes are ruptured, infection risk is higher in newborn, if there is long-term oligohydramnios there is often pulmonary hypoplasia and fetal development is affected negatively.It was reported that newborn diseases like RDS,İVK is seen 3 times higher and perinatal death 4 times higher in babies whose mothers have EMR Early Membran Rupture. Our objective is to compare babies smaller than 32 weeks with EMR with those without EMR in our clinic in 2012. METHODS: Between 01/01/2012- 31/12/2012, 295 infants who were born before 32 weeks of gestational age and who were EMR(+) or not, have been examined retrospectively in terms of morbidity and mortality in Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Education and Research Hospital Newborn Intensive Care Unit RESULTS: 295 infants were included the study. 220 (%74,6) of the infants formed the EMR(-) and 75 (%25,4) of them formed the EMR(+) group. There was no difference between the infants in both groups in terms of gestational week, birth weight and gender. While nasocomial sepsis (%17,5 p=0,028) and mortality (%25,3, p=0,008) was higher in EMR(-)group, broncopulmonary dsyplasia (%26,2, p=0,002) was found higher in EMR (+) group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: While broncopulmonary dsyplasia is usually seen in EMR (+) group, nasocomial sepsis and mortality is seen more often in EMR (-) group due to many prenatal risk factors. |
12. | İskelet Displazilerine Yaklaşım ve Tanımları Hatip Aydın, Sarenur Yılmaz Pages 227 - 232 Skeletal dysplasia is a large and heterogenous group disease, which originates from growth or morphologic disorder of bone and cartilage. Displasias and associated disorders are comprised of 450 diseases which are classified in 40 main groups. 316 of those diseases are associated with approximately 226 genes. The correct approach in skeletal dysplasias may be with known the correct nomenclature used for bone abnormalities. This review can provide practical diagnostic help, facilitate the recognition of new entities, and direct research in skeletal disorders. |
13. | Özofagus Atrezi̇leri̇nde Yoğun Bakım Olanaklarının Sağ Kalım Üzeri̇ne Etkisi Dolunay Alver, Ayşenur Cerrah Celayir, Oktay Bosnalı, Serdar Moralıoğlu Pages 233 - 241 INTRODUCTION: In this article, we aimed to investigate the impact of intensive care conditions on survival rates in cases with esophageal atresia. METHODS: Clinical records of the cases with esophageal atresia, operated between January 2004 and January 2011, were reviewed retrospectively and were divided into two groups according to NICU conditions before and after July 2007 and compared on the basis of gestational week, birth weight, sex, pulmonary status, associated anomalies, operation time, operations, type of atresia, postoperative complications, duration of hospitalization, ventilator dependency, morbidity, mortality rates. RESULTS: In our series with esophageal atresia totally 92 cases, consisting of two groups: Group 1 with 40 cases of esophagus atresia treated before 2007 compared with Group 2 consisting 52 cases of esophagus atresia treated after 2007 reorganization of our neonatal intensive care unit. The male/female ratio was 1: 1.14 which is compatible with the literature datas. The mean gestational week in our series was found to be 36 weeks and the average percentage of termed baby was 49%. The mean birth weight was 2495 gr. The mean age at admission of our series was 1.64 days. The types of atresias were as 82.6% EA+distal TEF, 15.4% isolated EA and 2% EA+double fistula. The most common associated anomalies were of the cardiac system. The most common early complication was pneumonia in Group 1 and anastomotic leakage in Group 2. The most common late complication was anastomotic stricture in both groups. Ventilator dependency and duration of hospital stay was found to be longer in Group 2 cases. The principal mortality cause was severe mediastinit, pneumonia and sepsis in Group 1 and multiple congenital anomalies in Group 2. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The survival rates showed an increase from 57.5% to 75% after improved NICU. With the increasing numbers of experienced staff and improved conditions in NICU, we determined that survival rates are increasing in esophageal atresia cases with low birth weight and/or severe cardiac anomalies and pneumonia. |